Sunday, September 20, 2009

Musical Rooms

It happened.  Gwen finally learned how to jump out of her crib.  I know we are lucky that we have made it this long but I was still so sad!  Trying to contain this busy body is not an easy task.  And I think I need her nap time more than she does.  The look on her face when she ran into our bedroom was priceless.  A look of, "FREEDOM"!  There was no way she was going to sleep in that crib again.  We tried letting her sleep with Elle and that just was not working. Until we could order her a bed we had to think of a way to get her to sleep.  We told Elle that just for a few nights she could do something really fun.  She could sleep in Gwen's crib!!  Elle went for it.  She thinks it is hilarious.  We put Gwen into Elle's bed and I am thankful to report that she has slept there 3 nights and 3 naps (yeah!) without getting out.  Yesterday we all went out and bought two twin beds.  Elle and Gwen will share a room and Lily will take over Gwen's crib.  I knew that we would eventually do this but I just kept putting it off.  Tomorrow the twin beds will arrive and I can't wait to set up their room.