We took our annual trip to the mall last night to see Santa. The girls were really excited. Jon was holding Gwen but when she saw santa from down the hall, she practically lept out of his arms and started screaming with glee and was jumping and waving to him. In the first picture you can see Elle holding a bell. Before we left she ran up to her jewelry box and carefully took it out. She held it in her lap the whole car ride and told us that it was her gift for Santa. When it was finally our girls turn, Gwen ran and jumped onto Santa's lap. Elle was not crying but was a bit more weary. She told me that she asked him to bring her a baby doll complete with diapers and wipes and powder. Gwen gave Santa a big hug and bounced off his lap. Elle presented Santa with her gift, which was so sweet. He whispered back to her that it would be easier for him if she left it for him next to his milk and cookies on Christmas Eve because then he would have his bag with him. So, the bell is now back in Elle's jewelry box waiting for Christmas Eve. Pretty sweet.