Yesterday Gwen and I headed back up to the hospital to get x-rays and a hard cast put on her arm. She chose pink of course... a girl after my own heart. She is doing amazingly well. The netting you see on her arm and chest is because of her roadrash. Jon and I clean it each day (she is not happy about that), put medicated jelly on it mixed with antibacterial powder and then vaseline coated gauze strips. The netting holds everything in place. Her broken ribs have not been as big of an issue as we anticipated. I think most of the healing was done as she slept in the hospital (another blessing). We have an appointment next week as well with the trauma team to check on her lungs. A follow-up to make sure all is well. We are all so happy to be back in our home together. I haven't gone anywhere (besides the hospital) this past week and I couldn't be happier about it. Just so nice to be home with my girls.