For YEARS I have wanted to do wood paneling sprayed white behind my sofa in our family room. I have more formal wainscoting in other parts of our home and in here I want to do a more casual look with wide-plank horizontal paneling floor to ceiling. That's not in our budget right now but in my mind that's what is "supposed" to be behind our sofa.
Well, on a whim a few weeks back I decided that if I couldn't have my white wood paneling that didn't have to stop us from lightening it up a bit in there. I had extra white paint from other projects and I asked (begged) Jon to paint it for me. I know Jonnie really loves me because he HATES painting but at 6pm that night he moved all of our furniture and went to town. It was a rash decision on my part but unlike the result of most decisions like that, I am loving it. It's just a softer prettier look to me. Jon's happy too because it has silenced me for a bit about the wood paneling. A win-win!!