Gwen. This little girl makes me happy every single day. I have been feeling bad the last few days because I feel like every other sentence out of my mouth is, "no, gwen! be soft"! She loves her new little sister and wants to carry her and feed her and make sure her binky is firmly in her mouth. Needless to say she is (innocently) a little rough. This morning I heard, "catch, lily" and saw a ball going straight for Lily's face in her basinette. Wow. Gwen has also aged a few years to me in the last week. I used to think of her as my baby and now I realize just how big she is getting. I love these pictures of her. I came downstairs and found her just like this...standing on a chair washing her apple in the sink. I keep apples in the bottom drawer of our fridge and Gwen loves to help herself multiple times a day. Each night as I rock her before I put her down to bed she says, "apple tree" which means she wants me to sing her that song. She sings along with me and we have hand motions and I just melt over how cute she is. I love you Gwen and I love that I get to be your mama.