Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Wedding

The bride and groom just following the marriage ceremony

On the steps of the temple

Our little family

Aunt Linda, Sorelle, Juliet and Kandis

Grandma and Elle

Elle playing on the temple grounds

Jon and Gwen at the reflecting pool

Syd and Shea were married in the Salt Lake City temple.  I love temple weddings.  They are so peaceful.  The ceremony was simple yet beautiful.  Syd and Shea looked so happy and in love.  Jon and I sat and held hands during the ceremony.  I couldn't help but remember our day.  Jon and I talked after the wedding about how much more we love eachother now compared to our wedding day. I was totally in-love with Jon on our wedding day but it is interesting how love changes.  I am not just in-love with him now but I truly love him.  Everything about him.  I am also so grateful to have a husband who makes me feel that same love from him as well.  This may seem a little much for a blog but that is exactly what was going through my mind as I watched Syd and Shea take that same first step into their future.  
On a lighter note, the weather was beautiful.  You could not have asked for a more perfect day. We walked the temple grounds and took lots of pictures.  I didn't get too many of Shea and Syd because I was trying not to impose on their hired photographer (who rightfully followed closely behind them... can't wait to see their photos).  It was a perfect morning.